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- Movich Pereira ’s Location in Pereira

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Movich Pereira ’s Location

Movich Home in Pereira

Movich Pereira is in one of the most sought-after parts of the city. A fascinating part of Colombia, with iridescent sunsets, full of culture, entrepreneurial people, warm and cheerful. Very close to the Nuestra Señora de la Pobreza cathedral and the Botanic Garden. Also, we’re just a short drive from the airport.

This is our exact location:
Carrera 13 # 15 – 71, Pereira, Risaralda
Telephone:+57 (601) 521 5050

Seize the day with the Movich Pereira concept and let our team accompany you on your journey to wellbeing and comfort!

Departure Movich Pereira


    Tourist attractions

    • Pereira plaza Shopping center
    • Pereira's Art Museum
    • Arboleda park
    • Consota park
    • Ukumari Park